2016, and I feel extremely happy to be able to devote myself full-time from now on to the things I care most about when it comes to work: team, trust and social innovation. I’m currently gearing up TMG at full speed while studying an Executive MBA at EFL at Lund University School of Economics and Management, in collaboration with LU Open. The …
There is a gap between what the average manager in state administration believes has been achieved within digitization, and the actual reality. I think there is a lot more left to be done than these managers believe.
Hans Christian Holte, Tax Director, Norwegian Tax AdministrationBook: Employees first!
CEO V. Nayar on how #management can step out of the way to let employees lead, let engagement and productivity soar pic.twitter.com/4K8OjrOorb
— Karl McFaul (@karlmcf) August 30, 2014